This game occurred during the 6th round of the Club Championship. My opponent is Sean Lei an upcoming young Chinese rising star in my club.
I played e4 and he played the Dragon Variation of the Sicilian.
[Event "Scarborough Club Championship 2014"]
[Site "Scarborough, Toronto ON Canada"]
[Date "May 1 2014"]
[Round "-6"]
[White "Rulix Batistil"]
[Black "Sean Lei"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1535"]
[BlackElo "1961"]
[TimeControl "60 min"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Qxd7 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. d4 cxd4 7. Nxd4
g6 8. O-O Bg7 9. Be3 Nf6 10. Qd3 O-O 11. h3 a6 12. Rad1 Ne5 13. Qe2 Qc7 14.
Nd5 Nxd5 15. exd5 Nc4 16. Bc1 Nb6 17. Rfe1 Rfe8 18. Qe4 Qc5 19. Nb3 Qc4 20.
Na5 Qb5 21. Nb3 Rac8 22. c3 Nc4 23. Qh4 Bf6 24. Qe4 Qa4 25. Rd4 Qxa2 26.
Rxc4 Qxb3 27. Rb4 Qa2 28. Rxb7 Rb8 29. Qb4 Rxb7 30. Qxb7 Qc4 31. Bh6 Qb5
32. Qa7 Qxb2 33. Qxa6 Bg7 34. Rxe7 Rd8 35. Qxd6 Qb1+ 36. Kh2 Qb8 37. Qxb8
Rxb8 38. Bxg7 Kxg7 39. Rc7 Kf6 40. f4 h5 41. h4 Rd8 42. c4 Re8 43. c5 Rd8
44. d6 Ke6 45. Kg3 Rf8 46. Kf3 Rb8 47. d7 Ke7 48. c6 Kd8 49. Rb7 Ra8 50.
Ke4 f6 51. Kd5 Ke7 52. Kc5 Ra2 53. Rb8 Rc2+ 54. Kb6 Rb2+ 55. Kc7 Rxb8 56.
Kxb8 g5 57. Kc7
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