This game occurred during the 2nd round of the GTCL 2014.
My opponent is Ju Dongli rated 1644.
I played white and my favorite Ruy Lopez Opening.
[Event "2014 Greater Toronto Chess League"]
[Site "Willowdale Chess Club, Toronto, ON Canada"]
[Date "January 21 2014"]
[Round "-2"]
[White "Rulix Batistil"]
[Black "Ju Dongli"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1356"]
[BlackElo "1644"]
[TimeControl "60 min"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. h3 Nf6 5. d3 g6 6. Bg5 Bg7 7. Nbd2 O-O 8.
c3 a6 9. Ba4 b5 10. Bb3 Bb7 11. Nf1 Qd7 12. Qd2 Nh5 13. Bh6 Kh8 14. g4 Bxh6
15. Qxh6 Nf4 16. O-O-O Na5 17. Bc2 f6 18. Ng3 Qg7 19. g5 Qxh6 20. gxh6 c5
21. h4 Rf7 22. h5 c4 23. d4 Nd3+ 24. Bxd3 cxd3 25. hxg6 hxg6 26. Rxd3 Kh7
27. d5 Rc8 28. b3 b4 29. c4 Rd8 30. Ne2 Bc8 31. Nh4 g5 32. Nf5 Bxf5 33.
exf5 Nb7 34. Ng3 Nc5 35. Re3 a5 36. Kb2 Ra8 37. a3 Rb7 38. Nh5 Rf8 39. Ng7
Re7 40. Ne6 Nxe6 41. dxe6 Rc8 42. Rd3 Rc6 43. Rd5 Ra7 44. axb4 axb4 45. Rb5
Rca6 46. Rxb4 Ra2+ 47. Kc3 Rxf2 48. Rb6 Rf3+ 49. Kb4 e4 50. Rxd6 Rb7+ 51.
Kc5 Rxf5+ 52. Kc6 Rb8 53. Rd7+ Kh8 54. e7 Re5 55. Rd8+ Kh7 56. Rxb8 Rxe7
57. Kd6 Ra7 58. c5 e3 59. c6 Ra6 60. Rb7+ Kg6 61. h7 Ra8 62. h8=Q Rxh8 63.
Rxh8 e2 64. Re7 Kf5 65. c7 e1=Q 66. c8=Q+ Kf4 67. Rxe1
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