Saturday, May 4, 2019

When Life Gets Tough

Humans have some sort of way out (therapy) when life get tough and rough. It's a cycle of hurt and heal, learn and adopt process - other escapes for time being - positively to say.

We don't like troubles and hates problems even small ones that sometimes takes only a simple "Yes or No" answer or the dreaded "I'm sorry" line to restore peace and tranquility.

But as we knew it, life is not simple. If we examine closely, it seems the root of our troubles is by and large psychological - it's a mind thing (secular) and it boils down to our core values and beliefs.

Inescapable common life scenarios that have long lasting effect.
- Disagreement with parents, siblings, relatives, friends and neighbors for various reasons
- Quitting school for various reasons - can also be argued in a positive way of finishing school for many good reasons
- Smoking (tantamount of burning money) - can also be argued in positive way of saving money for good reasons
- Drinking alcoholic beverages excessively (state of drunken stupor) - embarrassing yourself of throwing up, passing out and even making ugly scenes
- Gambling and drugs- many lives and families have been wasted on these vices.
- Relationships - Broad and complicated - deals with culture, status, affirmation, acceptance, love, confidence, patience, honesty, integrity, loyalty, honor, respect, etc.
- Faith and Religion - Complex and the most misunderstood aspect of life - deals with morality, values, philosophy, history, science, spirituality and theology (GOD)

The bad thing is - we make bad choices. Sound a double negative but yea "bad" exists and we have to deal with it.

Looking into these sample subsets of life scenarios, will keep you thinking.

– What am I doing here? - How I will navigate and survive life with less troubles? Is it realistic? - Are material prosperity and life success my ultimate joy?

If you are a reader and thinker type individual, you might have come across these self-guide books and manuals on all spectrum of life.

- The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
- The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
- The Law of Attraction - (Rhonda Byrne)
- 48 Laws of Power (Robert Greene)
- 12 Rules for life (Jordan Peterson)

You might have heard also of Dan Peña - The 50 Billion Dollar Man or Warren Buffet.

Is that kind of life you are aiming for?

But there's one book that really stood the test of time - The Bible.

It doesn't teach you though to be rich and powerful but It answers the fundamental and ultimate questions of life.

1. Why you are here?
2. Where did you come from?
3. What is your future?
4. Is there life after death?
5. Why there is evil in the world?
6. Does God exists?

I encourage you to read the Bible for our choices whether good or bad lead us to our future - ultimately determines our destiny.

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