Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Elevators Logic

How to Play:
There are 5 elevators in the building, and all of them begin the game on random floors. Your task is to free the occupants of the five elevators by opening the doors. However, the doors only open when all five elevators are positioned between the 21st and 25th floors (inclusive). There are some special rules that you must observe when operating the elevators:

You must select two elevators at a time to move. Your two selected elevators must either go UP 8 floors, or DOWN 13 floors The building has 49 floors. The elevators do not go above Floor 49, or below Floor 0. Using your computer mouse or touchpad, click on the two elevators you want to move, and then click on either the +8 or -13 button. Repeat this process until you get all five elevators lying between the 21st and 25th floors. It doesn't matter if they are on different floors at the end, as long as all five are on Floor 21, 22, 23, 24 or 25. If you get stuck and want to reset the game, click on the 'Start Again' button at the bottom of the play area.

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