Lessons and Perpectives
1. Be watchful as sin and wickedness are ever present
Depravity of Man - Humanity is tainted with sin and clearly manifested in the weaknesses of all faculties
a. In judgement there is prejudice and injustice
b. In loving it's conditional and fleeting
c. In friendship there is betrayal and backbiting
d. In words, there is pride, lying and deceitfulness
e. In hearing, there is contempt and malice
f. In witness, there is fear and selfishness
g. In action, there is pretensions and corruption
Read Proverbs 6:16-19
2. Life is like a vapor who live in a world of vanities
a. Life at its best is but a moment and mere shadow - it appears a little while then disappears forever
3. The only hope is in the LORD - Jesus Christ the Savior
a. Who came to save sinners and vanquish sin and death on the cross
b. Who brings salvation to humanity
c. Who promise eternal life to those who believes in Him - Only those who are predestined in eternity past
d. Who promise to come again in power and majesty to judge the living and the dead
e. Who will rule and reign in a new heaven and new earth in all perfection over His chosen people
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