Monday, June 11, 2018

BlueJays - The Unforgettable 7th Inning

The Seventh - A Blue Jays Documentary

Bobby Fischer - Lifestory

Magnus Carlsen Interview

Magnus Carlsen - A Chess Prodigy

Manny Pacquiao - A Legendary Career

The Sugar Man

Koi Pond

Asian Arowana

Red Arowana

Gold Arowana



The Peregrine Falcon

Evolution Vs. God

The Atheist Delusion

The Mystery of Matter

The Character of Physical Law


Peace is an atom in civil political spectrum. It's core is indivisible and always exists but surrounds it is a multi-layered properties that behaves differently and are subject to change. This includes, protesting, negotiation, anger, disagreements. When this change reach its breaking point - peace harmony is compromise and can explode in a big bang called "war".

Today, though it is an established dogma in the western world, peace still an enigma in some parts of the world.

The Invisible Reality

Mountain Rivals - The Black Eagle

The History of Earth

DNA Genesis - The Children Of Adam


The World In 2050

Destination: Titan

Math Mysteries

Jordan Peterson

12 Rules for Life

The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet

Story of Linux

Her Majesty's Secret Service

Jordan Peterson vs Philip Dodd - Debate Analysis

White Privilege

Identity Politics

Third Industrial Revolution

A Glitch in the Matrix

Worldview - History of Mankind

Civilization Lost

Nicola Tesla


The Deep Dark Web Documentary

Four Horsemen

Convex Earth - The Documentary

Backhole - Monster of the Milky Way

Sahara Desert

"Bahr Belá Má", "Waterless Sea", as the Sahara is called by the Bedouins. But deep beneath the dune fields and stone deserts expands an immeasurable reservoir of water resources. Using enormous technical resources, the Libyans have begun to extract fossil reserves of groundwater

Riemann Hypothesis

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Game of the Century

Magic Square

Fibonacci and the Golden Mean

The Mandelbrot Set

Numbers 369 Tesla Code

Mental Math Tricks

Human Calculator

The Voynich Manuscript

The 48 Laws of Power


The Tree of Life or Shajarat-al-Hayat in Bahrain is a remarkable tree. Located 10 km from Askar and some 3.5 km west from Jaww, this 32-feet tall Prosopis cineraria has been making a seemingly impossible living out of dry sand for approximately 400 years. There is no apparent source of water and other vegetation for miles around. The mystery of the survival of the tree has made it a legend.


The Psychology of Beliefs

A discussion how humanity come to be. Is it by way of naturalism or by way of creation by a higher being - God Himself.